Publication Status

I self-published 125 copies and have given away all but the two I use for my own study and markup.  I’ve begun doing an update draft, but not yet completed.  The first draft was sent off to several Christian publishers which either responded with no interest or (Crossway!) no response of any kind even after several follow ups.  The reality of the book publishing world today is that, with very few exceptions, only ‘name’ authors are attractive candidates for publishers because they know that it is the name, more than the title / subject / materiality, is what buyers (us) look for and decide upon.

At some point I may publish Three Books as an e-book on Amazon and such sites, or even as a hardcopy.  If you have an interest in such option, you can contact me using the address provided on the Home page.

Attached below is a pdf of the first 10 pages of the self-published first edition:

Three Books 020215 D1 pp 1-10