2015 Print Edition

In 2015 I published a spiral bound print edition of Three Books.  All these copies have been distributed.  If there is sufficient interest expressed I will update the 2015 Print Edition fixing some errata (see directly below) and expand the use of the journey maps.


Some images from the 2015 Print Edition are here:

In the meanwhile, if you have the 2016 print edition, below are the errata I have found.  If you have found others, please send them to me at the EM address given on the home page:

Errata for the 2015 Print Edition

Alas, Draft 1, February 2015, of Three Books has certain typos / mistakes.  As I discover or learn of them, I will list the them here.  I am very confident, but not absolutely certain, that the Bible text itself, the NET translation, is without error (on my part), as I pasted it into Three Books, so there was no typing.  However, it is possible that I mistakenly dropped off a verse, or double pasted a verse.  I delete many of the individual verse numbering for the first two chapters of the Gospel of John, retaining verse numbers only for the beginning of each main paragraph.  I did this because I thought it would make the text easier to read.  The standard verse number identification is retained for all the rest of John, Acts, and Romans, beginning with chapter 3 of John.   (Chapter and verse identification did not begin until 1,000 years after the time of Christ, so such numbers are not, in any case, part of Biblical inspiration).

As noted elsewhere, I sought to highlight in bold font all names or title references to Jesus except for “Jesus” itself.  I see now that I missed a few.  I don’t think this is significant because it is clear from the multitude of names and titles that are highlighted that Jesus is the core focus of these three books, especially in John, and that He claims to be and is recognized to be someone far more than a man from Nazareth (though that is one of His titles, appropriately so, because He was both truly God and truly man).

I also sought to highlight in bold italic all the references to the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, that points us to the impossible to fully grasp truth that God is one but (somehow) three (what to call them?) “persons.”  The Holy Spirit is a true Being, distinct from God the Father and God the Son, yet, at the same time, there is but one God.  Our puzzlement should not shock us.  No one fully grasps many of the deepest truths of science as to ultimate physical reality (quarks, strings, multiverses, etc.); so we should not be surprised that as created, material beings, even with certain unique capacities given to us by God (as we are made in His image) that we are not able to understand fully the God who created us.  Created entities, even in our limited physical world, do not possess the same level of comprehension of their origin or creation as does their Creator.   In any case, I have missed highlighting certain occurrences of titles / references to the Holy Spirit.  However, again, the missing highlights are not a serious limitation because we can discern them in reading the text and the many references that are highlighted make clear that the Holy Spirit is personal and active, making known the person and work of Jesus Christ, and glorifying God the Father.

Errata in John (all with respect to my commentary in the right hand column, or in headings)

p. 10, text under the chapter 1 heading, line 1:  delete “later” after “Jesus Christ:” and before the words “bold-italic.”

p. 13, Ch 1:32-34, are several references to the Holy Spirit, which should have been in bold italic.

p. 14, next to John 1:45:  delete “was,” between “but” and “lived.”

p. 20, next to John 4:4:  separate “Jesus” from the word “journeys.”

p. 24, next to John 4:46: should be “desperation” (singular) not plural.  Insert “the” between”that” and “wonderful” in the next to last line.

p. 31, next to John 6:25:  change “my” to “by” before the word “contrasting.”

p. 32, next to John 6:44: change the “?” after “bread” to a colon:  so it reads…”What life comes from this bread:  eternal life–that which….”

p. 34, missing word “were,” so it should read: ” The crowds who had journeyed were motivated…”

p. 58, next to John 12:22:  change “oath” to “of,” so that it reads…”revealing something of essence of Jesus Christ…”

p. 70, next to John 16:1:  change “strong” to “internal.”

p. 81, next to John 19:12 and 19:15: insert single quotes around the word “played” and “play,” so that they read, respectively…”The Jewish leaders had ‘played’ Pilate…” and “Now Pilate ‘plays’ the Jewish Leaders….”

Errata in Acts

p. 105, next to Acts 1:3:  delete “which” in the 6th line, replace “the” with “His” in the 10th line so that the latter reads:  “This ‘bookends His inbound journey….”

p. 113, next to Acts 3:14:  change “a” to “the” about 15 lines down, so that it reads:  “and so to be the grounds for claiming….”

p. 128, next to Acts 7:54:  change “journey” to “journeying.”

p. 131, next to Acts 8:34:  change “one” to “One,” as it refers to Christ.

Reference to the location of Caesarea next to Acts 24 should have read that this ancient city is south of modern Haifa, not of Tel Aviv.  Below is a map showing the correct geography.  Also there were many locations named “Caesarea” in the ancient world, paying homage to the ruler of the Roman Emperor.  The particular “Caesarea” in Acts is properly known “Caesarea Maritima.”  (Source:  D. Sivan et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 222 (2004) 316).

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 222 (2004) 316.

Errata in Romans

p. 206, next to Acts 1:16:  delete “the” before “God’s power.”

p. 219, next to Acts 6:15: change “some” to “something” in line 5.