Pilgrim’s Progress

The most widely published book in the English language, save the Bible itself, is a three century old writing by a poor, and long-imprisoned English preacher named John Bunyan.  The book is Pilgrim’s Progress.

It is an allegorical story of the journey of the central character, a man named Christian, from his earthly home to “the celestial city.”  It is no smooth onward and upward path, which is a key reason for its incredible popularity and long lived interest.  In that book the man Christian has many struggles and temptations ranging from traveling through “Vanity Fair,” a town centered on every earthly delight as though that was all there was to ultimate reality, to the “slough of despond,” the despair of discouragement even doubt, that is the universal experience at some point in every Christian journey.

There are numerous online resources on Pilgrim’s Progress, including freely available pdf’s and dramatic audio readings.

Below are three summary graphics on John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim’s Progress (taken from www.idealmaking.org …a study of the Old Testament Book of Job)

Pilgrims Progress.001 Pilgrims Progress.013 Pilgrims Progress.014